Monday 21 May 2012

An international center of Tertiary Education... just like Australia or Malaysia

Malaysia is an international center of Tertiary Education. The Malaysian governement adopted policies which allowed the establishment of international universities in Malaysia, mainly from the US, UK and in turn Malaysia could attract international students from all over the world ----> giving a strong kick to national bank account! Clever...

When these renowned international universities established branches in Malaysia, namely

other local universities, a huge list of them, where able to attract international students as well through twinning arrangement. Twinning arrangements are whereby local universities offer programs of a renowned university from overseas locally - the advantage is that they can offer a lower fee than actually doing the degree in the UK, or Australia...but the degree at the end will be from the university in the UK or Australia.

Students from all over Africa...from Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Botswana  and an even bigger number of students from China, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh...come to study in Malaysia pumping considerable dollar into the economy. Most international students attend the universities with the twinning arrangements.

Its an economic strategy...cant Zimbabwe do the same. It already has too many universities and a high number of unemployed academics ---> by becoming a regional (Southern Africa) center of Tertiary Education attracting students from Namibia, Botswana (who in fact consider Zimbabwe Tertiary Education in high regard),  Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Congo perhaps...through good branding, marketing and complimentary policies from Universities through to Gvt. level we can kill two birds with one stone--->boost income of our economy, employ a considerable number of graduates. 
Most of these students would have to do foundation year, whilst some would have to do English Language Courses before commencing on the program, increasing the amount of money which can be earned by the economy...just like Malaysia does it. Hehe!

Saturday 12 May 2012

Help me choose a Research Topic?


Management in the Post Globalized Economy (inspired by Kotler P.  1999, Marketing Management an Asian Perspective pp. 2-8)
I get the distinct feeling globalization happened more than 12 years ago. In 1999 he was writing what my business lecturers are teaching us today about how globalization 'is impacting' management.


Management - Emerging Markets Economies
I would look at Asian Countries. China and the "Asian Tigers" perhaps..


Financial Markets - Asian Financial Markets (NO NO NO, a life of going through spreadsheets and counting cents on stock tickers is not my thing...was just reminded by a CFA, CPA, Cblahblahblah fella who sent me a book about hedge funds he wrote.....felt like sleeping just reading the email. This is not for me!)


Economic/Development entrepreneurship


Accounting (NO NO NO ... mediocrity)


Turnaround Management of loss making Government owned National Railways/Airlines

CONCLUSION: I leave it in God's hand. Like everything else in my life I surrender...he will shepherd me on the path of blessing.