Tuesday 5 April 2016

Renaming Mashonaland, Matebeleland and Manicaland Provinces of Zimbabwe

Mashonaland should be renamed Northern Region, Matebeland renamed Southern Region and Manicaland Eastern Region. Provinces named after tribes will not unite Zimbabwe in any way. They only make the idea of imaginary divisions stronger. 

The modern economy knows no tribe. Business is business no matter what tribe one originates from. Consider the case of the industrialized world. Industrialized nations growth was spurred by attracting the best people from around the world to become cogs in the fast paced machinery of rapid advancement these countries embarked upon. I say embarked upon because often there is a misconception that industrialization just happened by accident in these countries - but that is not the case. Development was a result of an intentional effort by organized society to advance to a higher level of advancement economically, technologically, socially, and politically. Advancement never occurs by chance - it requires effort. If advancement occured by chance the poverty stricken backwaters of Singapore in the 1950s would still be waiting for that chance today. If advancement occured by chance maybe the Democratic Republic of Congo would be the richest nation on Earth because of its mineral resources.
Another misconception is that there was no 'diversity' in industrialized nations until non-caucasian races were introduced. There was a lot of diversity in Europe and America from very early on as communities were made up of the English, Scots, Irish, French, Germans, Italians, Dutch, Norwegians, and even the Greeks from their far flung corner of Europe. European and American cities were a melting pot of diversity.
Today within the burgeoning nationhood of Zimbabwe it is commendable that a foundation for national unity was laid by President Robert Mugabe and Vice -President Joshua Nkomo. In many cities and towns of Zimbabwe we hear no tribe and speak no tribe - we hear and speak as one people in any language we choose to communicate with each other. However the melting pot is not hot enough! Why must provinces be named after one tribe or another? The names of Mashonaland Province, Matebeleland Province and Manicaland Province only serve to develop a mental frame of imaginary divisions which do not exist at all in Zimbabwe. Furthermore these names were only colonialists idea to tell one natives place of origin from anothers. There was no Mashonaland, Matebeleland or Manicaland until those without knees arrived - vasina mabvi vakarehwa! What existed were real names of places based on a peculiar geographic feature, nature or the name of a chief. There was no Mashonaland but there was 'Nharira', 'Mhondoro', no Manicaland but 'Marange' and 'Chipinge'.
In this modern day Zimbabwe there is a need to reconsider naming Mashonaland Province Northern Province, Matebeleland Province Southern Province and Manicaland Eastern Province. This cause will unite the people of Zimbabwe and foster the diversity of interactions which create an advanced society. The path to industrialization needs intentional effort to advance. Creating richer Zimbabwean communities is one of many such intentional efforts to advance our nation to a higher level.

Gilbert O'Neil Mushure
A Zimbabwean Academic who is an expert on field of Management.