Monday, 18 June 2012

Distinctly Zimbabwean Music

Oliver Mtukudzi - Mutorwa.
An example of the the most distinct sound of Zimbabwean Music. It has a strong acoustic guitar, mbira, ngoma (traditional drum) and hosho rhythm. It is a fusion of traditional instruments and modern instruments - the latter complementing the traditional rhythm.

Thomas Mapfumo Chimurenga Music
This is a genre of music that was very popular in Zimbabwe from the 1970s to early 90s. Its called Chimurenga (Liberation War) music, as it started at a time of Zimbabwe's liberation war from a white settler minority that ruled the country as Rhodesia. This music generally has political themes to its lyrics.

Oliver Mtukudzi, and Thomas Mapfumo are undeniably the two fathers of a distinctly Zimbabwean music sound. They have received recognition all over the world for their contribution in African music and the arts in general.

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