Thursday 1 March 2012

Culture Shock

The most important thing is cultural differences. I browsed the internet and I am getting to understand some things I have noticed in Malaysian peoples behaviour etc

-You cannot stretch your hand to a woman to handshake unless she initiates it (especially in conservative circles...not much so in young multicultural savvy environments)
-**Saving face is very important to them, avoid bluntly indicating that they are wrong when they are wrong, go round about the issue...especially in public. Doing so might be the end of a business relationship. Same with yourself, you should save face as well.
- At work they need to be addressed with titles like Mr. This, not first names like elsewhere...even younger ppl in admin I just call Alex???? lol Will just call Lecturers Sir,,,
-You cannot play with their girls, you will be thrown off a balcony :DDD LOL This is not in the rulebook but it says on the internet their social culture strongly emphasizes strongly marrying within their ethnicity of which there are a number of ethnicities...
Thats me in the middle, never mind the guy behind me he is definitely not Malaysian, his from India :) Those headscarfs just look beautiful I know women in Zimbabwe would love them!

+++But overall in a multicultural environment whether in business or university the people of Malaysia are good people who are easy to get along with. As long as you respect the culture and values, like they respect yours as well...would you not expect the same if you are in Zimbabwe or South Africa...or Zambia or Uganda? Now lets talk about the food....

At Legenda Education Group or in Kuala Lumpur you need not worry. The campus is a very liberal multi-national environment with students from China, Pakistan, India, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Read more about Malaysia Etiquette on

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